Connecting to Spirit

With Stacey


Stacey is an Evidential Medium, and award-winning author of "My Head Knows...But My Heart Still Hurts" and newly released book “My Crystal Addiction Diary”. She connects with Angels, Guides, and Spirit to offer peace to those who are grieving.

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Spirit Is Always Around Us

Hi. I am Stacey.

I have been a full time Evidential Medium/Spiritual Healer for almost 10 years. I communicate with Spirit (your loved ones who are on the other side), Angels and Guides to offer peace to those who are grieving. My gift, my prayers is that God, Spirit and Angels bring you the most loving message to help your spirit heal.

You Are Love and Light, Never to be Forgotten

Today, I want to discuss past lives and reincarnation. If you are not a believer in this, I am asking you to open your mind to the possibilities as you read. It is a subject I find quite fascinating.

I’ve been on a reading journey these last few months and a lot of the books circle around this subject matter. I’ve not only facilitated numerous regression and readings, I’ve also been regressed several time, each regression I’ve had different experiences in lifetimes. I acquired different information that answer questions of this lifetime. Dr Brian Weiss has several books on the subject as well as Alberto Villoldo. I truly believe that the soul continues after the body dies. The soul is a continuous reel of learning, growing and experiencing different aspects of life.

I felt the need to learn more after reading “Same Soul Many Bodies” where Dr Weiss, a psychiatrist and hypnotherapist, explains how he accidently received evidence of several past lives from one of his patients. Some of his other books are “Messages From The Masters”, “Through Time Into Healing”, “Only Love is Real” and “Many Lives Many Masters”. I have completed all but one of these books on the tails of reading Alberto Villoldo’s “Shaman, Healer Sage”, “Mending The Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval” and “The Shaman’s Book of Living and Dying”. These books absolutely spoke to me. I’ve always been curious about the afterlife even before I walked into Mediumship. Angels, Archangels, Guides, Consciousness and Creator, to experience being presence intrigues me . Finding the answers to the multitude of questions I had and still have. Some have been answered through my spiritual journey but others I will have to wait till I leave my earthly body.

My Journey

Connecting To Spirit is a journey for every person. We are all unique, but there is one thing that unites us all. Life and Death. I would like to share my story, and my journey on how I took this path in life and how I can help you connect with your loved ones. Please enjoy the video.

Second Place Award in The BookFest

The BookFest Awards

Fall 2022

Have you ever thought you were going to forget? The sound of your loved ones voice, or they way they smelled? This journal will help you to keep their spirit close.

A journal to help you heal through loss. Designed to help you remember, reflect, and record the things you cherish the most.

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